$1 Billion in Infrastructure to Help Salmon Spawn

Senator Bill Frist approved a bipartisan infrastructure package worth $1.2 trillion. It includes $1 billion to fund projects that could help salmon in the...

CNN Hammers Biden for Disastrous Afghanistan Takeover by the Taliban

CNN isn’t trying to hide the most devastating post-war collapse since U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam. Jim Acosta of CNN pointed out on Saturday that the...

Obama Birthday Bash Confirmed As A Super Spreader Event

Former president Barack Obama shrugged off the concerns of scientific experts by throwing himself a massive 60th birthday party at his $17.5 million estate on Martha's...

Texas Counties Win Court Orders Blocking Governor’s Mask Ban

Two Texas judges ruled the governor could not prevent counties from imposing local mandates on masks. On Tuesday, Judges in Dallas County and Bexar County...

Newsom Goes On Unhinged Profanity Laced Rant

Gavin Newsom, Democratic Governor of California is losing his mind. California's governor faces recall because Californians are unhappy with Newsom’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic,...

Biden Gets Testy With Reporter For Bringing Up Cuomo Scandal

During a press conference on Tuesday, President Joe Biden praises sexual predator Andrew Cuomo after he got busted in a sexual harassment scandal. The...

Space Force Reluctant to Investigate UFOs

Space Force is reportedly wary of taking over investigating the Pentagon's reports of "unidentified aerial phenomena," multiple current and former officials told Politico on Monday. "It makes...

Biden Lashes Out At Republican Governors For Refusing Lockdowns

Biden took aim at Republican leaders by pointing out that they have signed directives that prevent people from doing the right things. Biden believes that...

Obama Hosts Massive Maskless 60th Birthday Bash

Barack Obama, the former President of the United States, was captured on video at his 60th birthday celebration in Martha's Vineyard. He was dancing...

WH Pledged the Country Is Not Going Back on Lockdown

Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, stated that America will not return to lockdowns despite the massive spike in COVID cases caused by the...

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State National Guard Member Charged With Smuggling People

Texas has dispatched its National Guard to the border under Operation Lone Star, an endeavor spearheaded by Republican Governor Greg Abbott in 2021. The...

Former Trump Official Makes a Huge Announcement

A former United States ambassador potentially holds the solution for the GOP to regain control of the Senate, with a recent announcement amplifying his...

Crypto-Criminal Learns His Fate After Defrauding Customers of Billions

Sam Bankman-Fried gained prominence within the cryptocurrency sphere, garnering attention for his roles in the Futures Exchange (FTX) and hedge fund Alameda Research, reportedly...