Watch As Pelosi Makes Utterly Bizarre Inflation Claim


According to Democrats, the inflation is caused by Putin or something else. They absurdly assert that government spending is in no way responsible for the sky-high inflation we’re seeing, inflation higher than it has been in four decades, despite the fact that the government is pumping trillions of dollars into the economy.

Joe Biden, for example, was enraged by the idea that debt-fueled government spending is to blame for inflation, exclaiming at the Democrats’ Issues Conference that the American people believe the reason for inflation is government spending more money, which he stressed was not the case.


Government expenditure is really falling, not creating inflation, according to Nancy Pelosi. Government expenditure, she claims, is doing the exact opposite, lowering the national debt. It is not only inflationary, but it is also lowering the national debt in some way.

She also used the occasion to criticize Putin for the rise in gasoline prices.

Perhaps we can assume that Putin was the one who shut down the Keystone XL project, began limiting new drilling permits, particularly on federal territory, and promoted electric cars as an answer to rising gas prices.

Nevertheless, no one believes nasty Nancy and Joe Biden, no matter how much they attempt to shift blame or even insist that enormous government spending is a good thing. They’re right that Brandon isn’t to blame for all of our inflation troubles, but that’s it.