Nascar Gets Slammed For Woke Pride Month Tweet


A couple of examples spring to mind. For one thing, golf tends to appeal to an older, whiter, and consequently more conservative population. Another is mixed martial arts (MMA), which, while more varied than golf, tends to attract males and rugged individuals who are both conservative.

Yet, of almost all of the sports, you’d think that NASCAR would be the most conservative. It appeals to white southerners, at least in general, who vote ruby-red and are far from being awakened in their voting habits or demeanor, even if they are not Republicans because Lincoln was a Republican.


“As we celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, we acknowledge that recent actions have not aligned with NASCAR’s mission to be a welcoming sport for all. We remain steadfast in our commitment to create a more inclusive environment in our workplaces, at the race track & in the stands.”

NASCAR must really want to lose money, because with this tweet, it went full woke, and if the previous few years have taught us anything, it’s that corporations who go woke go broke. Perhaps Trump can buy NASCAR if it collapses and turn it conservative once more. Then, maybe nothing worth preserving has gone woke.

There were a lot of negative responses to NASCAR’s tweet.

“Wow, you have a SUPER woke rendition of the Pride flag going there. I must confess that I have no idea what the purple circle at the end means.”

“Oh please put this on National TV I love a good boycott as much Bubba Smollett,” another tweet said.