Man’s Family Films Him Jumping Off Cliff To His Death On Vacation


Some of the most sad situations are freak accidents. We’ve seen roller coaster rides go wrong, a pilot’s smoking habit cause an aircraft accident with no survivors, and a pistol slip into the hands of a child, resulting in the mother being shot dead while on a Zoom call.

A father on holiday with his family in Spain died in a botched cliff-jumping attempt, according to disturbing footage.


The terrifying clip, recorded by the man’s wife and kid from a neighboring boat, shows the 31-year-old Dutch tourist preparing to take the 100-foot drop in the Malgrats Islands on Thursday.

The unfortunate daredevil made the jump over the gorgeous cliff, but apparently realized his leap wouldn’t clear the steep, jagged rocks below, which he severely clipped before plummeting into the ocean while screaming.

“Oh my God! ” As the short, horrifying footage concludes, the man’s wife screamed.

Following a search, the corpse of the guy, who was not immediately recognized, was apparently discovered in the water. It’s unknown if local officials are looking into the deadly cliff-jumping act, which is popular with Majorca visitors. The man had rented a boat to shoot the act with his wife.

While local officials used a rescue boat, helicopter, and dive team to hunt for the victim’s corpse, his wife and kid allegedly got therapy.

His name is sketchy at best, although he is claimed to be a 31-year-old Dutch tourist with a wife and son who were both present when he died. Guardia Civil divers were contacted when his corpse was swept away by the waves following his unfortunate fall in the Malgrats Isles by Santa Ponsa.

During this time, his family is apparently undergoing therapy, and we hope for their recovery after such a tragic loss.