Ukraine Strikes Russian Radar System

High-Stakes Target VANQUISHED - Precision Strike


As per videos shared on social media, it is reported that Ukraine’s military forces successfully neutralized a vital Russian counter-battery radar system. The visuals reveal an apparent deployment of an advanced Excalibur 155mm precision-guided artillery shell, which precisely targeted and struck the Russian Zoopark-1 1L219, resulting in a significant explosion.

According to reports, the video was released by the Ukrainian military, which typically shares footage of successful attacks on Russian force targets. Although there have been past instances of radar system attacks being documented, this is the first time in several months that the Ukrainian armed forces have filmed and made public a strike on a military objective.


The previous occurrence took place in March when Ukrainian special forces released a video depicting the bombing of a Zoopark-2 reconnaissance radar system by Kyiv’s fighters. The specific location of this attack was not disclosed but occurred in the disputed eastern region of Donetsk.

As reported by Ukrainska Pravda, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s special forces stated that the strike against the radar system was a significant achievement. He emphasized that the Zoopark radar was a valuable and costly target, posing considerable challenges for Ukrainian troops. The radar’s capability to detect Ukrainian artillery targets, including mortars and rocket systems, was highlighted as a major concern.

As per the United States military, Excalibur artillery shells utilize both GPS and an inertial navigation system, rendering them entirely impervious to jamming attempts. These shells are pre-programmed with specific coordinates before being fired, enabling the projectile to smoothly glide towards its intended target.

As stated by defense manufacturer Raytheon Technologies, Excalibur stands as a precision weapon boasting a hardware range of 25 miles. It displays remarkable accuracy, capable of targeting nearly any objective with a precision of 6 feet. Additionally, Excalibur has been extensively tested and proved fully compatible with all howitzers it was evaluated with.

According to Dutch intelligence outlet Oryx, the Russian armed forces have suffered the loss of nearly a dozen different types of Zoopark radar systems in Ukraine. In September 2022, Pentagon documents were revealed, acknowledging that the US had supplied the Ukrainian military with multiple Excalibur shells. The exact quantity of shells provided, however, was not specified in the documents.