Sleepy Joe Flip Flops Further On Life Beginning At Conception


It is said that the clock is always right twice a day. This was also true for Joe Biden. Although conservatives don’t like Biden, it is clear that he did not deny the existence of life starting at conception. He never believed this belief, as he was raised Catholic and was taught that acknowledgment. Biden said that he believed that religion was a part of his life. He stated this twice during his boss’s presidency, once in 2008 and again in 2015.

Taken From A Fox News report:


President Biden on Friday appeared to change a position he had just six years ago on whether life begins at conception. His comments came during a press conference where he discussed Texas’ recently enacted abortion law.

“I respect those who believe life begins in the moment of conception – I respect that,” he told reporters. “Don’t agree but I respect that.”

Biden has long maintained that the government shouldn’t force particular beliefs on Americans. That’s part of the reason he supported the Hyde Amendment, which blocks federal funding for most abortions. But amid pressure in the 2020 campaign, he reversed his decades-old stance on the issue.

So what happened? What changed when he stated back in 2008 that “I’m prepared as a matter of faith to accept that life begins at the moment of conception.” Or far more recently in 2015 when he said; “I’m prepared to accept that at the moment of conception there’s human life and being, but I’m not prepared to say that to other God-fearing, non-God-fearing people that have a different view”?

Although the White House did not want to comment on Fox’s report, one theory immediately came to my mind.

Even though Sleepy Joe may not be aware of the fact that he needs to win, you can see how his administration feels. Biden is losing support and allies, the economy is in decline, gas prices have risen, COVID-19 has remained as “out-of control” under President Trump and the tragedy in Afghanistan has hurt his image. Biden has less time to win over the “70 million” voters who voted for his party and keep it in power, as he is at greater risk of losing the house in 2022 or the senate.

Now that the Heartbeat Bill was not blocked in Texas by the US Supreme Court Biden now has a chance to reach out to his soft-brained, gender-confused constituents. Biden’s strategy is to make as many people aware of his attempts at action, and to keep the focus on Afghanistan’s disaster. His administration doesn’t want Americans to forget that there are still allies in Afghanistan and citizens of the US trapped in terrorist-controlled countries.

This article is very brief and informative about Joe Biden’s voting record, and his views on abortion. It highlights 16 moments in Joe Biden’s career where he either fought for abortion or against it.

Taken From A CatholicLeague report:

There is no one in public life who has undergone such a dramatic transformation. He did not change because of the Catholic Church: it did not change its position on abortion. He did not change because of science: it did not change its position on when life begins. It was Biden who changed, and he did so for totally political reasons.

A credible theory if we’ve ever heard one.