New Red Flag Law Signed

Gun Control CRACKDOWN - Dems Turn Heat on Cops!


Disagreement arises wherever red flag regulations are implemented. Many people think they violate the right to keep and bear arms. Both of these legislation were just signed into law by Michigan’s new Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer. The state’s chief prosecutor then made threats against law enforcement.

On Monday, May 22nd, Whitmer signed Senate Bill 83, which would allow anyone to seek extreme risk protection orders from the circuit court if they have proof that a gun owner poses a risk to themselves or others. If the court grants the petition, the individual’s guns will be temporarily confiscated. Within 24 hours of receiving a protection order petition, the court must rule on whether or not to issue the order. After that, the government has 14 days to schedule a hearing where the accused can provide evidence that they pose no threat. A regular injunction prohibiting gun ownership would continue for 12 months if they can’t.


House Bill 4146, which Whitmer also signed into law, makes it illegal for those with an exceptional risk protection order to receive a concealed carry license. After the signing ceremony, the governor tweeted a photo of it. She said,”The time for only thoughts and prayers is over.” The Democrat went on to urge that they needed to act to keep citizens safe, saying there were many times when someone “knew a mass shooter expressed concern in advance.” She claims the new law will give authorities a “mechanism to step in and save lives.”

Attorney General Dana Nessel of Michigan made a statement during the signing in which she threatened police enforcement. The police officers she addressed directly heard her promise: “I will make certain that I find someone with jurisdiction who will enforce these orders” if they refused to.

A number of county sheriffs have told the media that they will not enforce any gun laws that they feel are unconstitutional.