Navy Commander Gets Canned For Insane Reason

UNFIT To Serve! They Just CANNED Him!


A submarine captain was fired, according to the US Navy, because his supervisors did not think he could perform the responsibilities of the job.

Leading member of the USS Georgia Blue Crew Captain Geoffry Patterson was relieved of his duties, the Navy said on January 15. He was let go by Submarine Group Ten Commander Rear Admiral Thomas T.R. Buchanan.


The statement states that commanding officers in the Navy are expected to uphold a high standard of professionalism and personal integrity. They will suffer repercussions if they don’t live up to the Navy’s standards for responsibility, leadership, and dependability.

Four days prior to his removal as commanding officer of the Georgia submarine’s blue crew, Captain Geoffry Patterson was detained and accused of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol by sheriff’s deputies in the county where the submarine is based, according to records kept by civilian authorities.

According to the jail log, Patterson was charged with a misdemeanor on January 8 and was released on bail a few hours later.

The Navy was very clear that the dismissal would not have any impact on operations.

Reassigned to Submarine Group Ten at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia, is Capt. Patterson.

The four guided missile submarines in the Navy’s fleet were originally Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines, but they have all undergone modifications to become non-nuclear capability. The Georgia underwent conversion in 2007. Each guided missile boat can carry Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and is also equipped to carry special operations soldiers on covert missions.

The USS Georgia is a fifteen-officer guided missile submarine that has the capacity to carry up to 175 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles. According to the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, the Ohio-class guided-missile submarines give the Navy unprecedented stealth and covert capabilities for strike and special operation missions.

A news release states that Navy Capt. Christopher Osborn, the former commander of the USS Georgia’s Gold Crew, has taken over as the ship’s new leader.