Mom Gives Birth On Side Of The Road In Kentucky


Heather Skaats of Kentucky felt such things only happened in movies.

Heather Skaats of Kentucky gave birth on the side of the road on Sunday as her five other children sat in the car.


Skaats, 34, explained, “I was having light contractions before we left, so I figured I had time to run an errand.” Her due date was three weeks away, and she had labored for hours with her earlier children.

“I expected to have a baby in my arms in eight or ten hours,” she explained.

Skaats’ contractions became stronger and closer together all of a sudden, indicating that labor had begun.

Skaats stated she began driving faster in the hopes of having a scheduled home water birth. But it became evident shortly that there wouldn’t be enough time.She reported her water broke as she was squatting on the ground. She was able to capture the seven-pound child.

Skaats carefully climbed back into the vehicle with the baby still tied to her placenta inside her body, where her children, Kaelynn, 13, Aneleigh, 11, Austin, 6, Luke, 3, and Alyssa, 2, were excited to meet their new sibling. Skaats and her husband also have a daughter, Leilah, who died of cancer at the age of four in 2016.

She delivered her placenta in the shower with the aid of her 13-year-old daughter, Kaelynn, once they arrived at the residence. Skaat’s midwife came soon after.

Skaats and her spouse are still brainstorming names for their newest family member. Porter or Wolf are two street names near his birthplace that they’re contemplating.