Marine Corps Eliminates Elite Scout Sniper Platoons

U.S. Snipers EXILED - Controversial Move By Government!


As the military branch adapts to the future of combat, the Marine Corps is undergoing significant change. Not everyone is pleased with the most recent decision.

The Marines’ elite scout sniper platoons have served in every major combat since the 1940s. There are 26 Marines, an infantry gunnery sergeant, and a first lieutenant in the troops. They are in charge of a variety of responsibilities, including reconnaissance and killing opposing troops from a safe distance. Platoons are being phased out by the Marine Corps’ Planning, Policy, and Operations department.


The service branch decided that the scout sniper groups do not provide officials with “continuous all-weather information gathering,” according to the Marine Corps Times. According to Capt. Ryan Bruce, a Marine spokesperson, the sniper platoons are being replaced with a Scout Platoon, which would allow service personnel to “focus their training and evaluations on scouting, providing commanders” with intelligence that will allow them to complete their objective.

The transfer away from the units will take place right away. The Marine Corps emphasized that the revelation does not mean the branch will not have snipers. In fact, Bruce stated unequivocally that service members will continue to have access to individuals trained to take down targets from a distance if needed.

The USMC Scout Sniper Association blasted the move to reorganize the military branch in a social media post. According to the statement, the group was “shocked and saddened” to learn that the sniper scout platoons were being phased out. The group argues the Marine leadership has “lost the lessons learnt in combat, paid for with the blood” of their men. Rather than abolishing platoons, the statement asked the Marine Corps to retrain, “equip, and organize the highly competent and motivated Scout Snipers.”

The group believes the move is “misguided,” and has urged Citizens to contact their legislators to express their displeasure.