According to a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, 52 percent approve of President Joe Biden’s job, while 43% disapprove.
According to poll results, his approval rating has dropped from 62% in June.
Here are how the results, posted by The Hill, break down:
- 45% say they approve of the way Congress is doing its job, while 55% disapprove. By comparison, 54% said in June they approve of the job congressional lawmakers were doing, while 46% disapproved.
- 46% say the U.S. in on the right track, compared to 47% who say its not. In June, 53% said the nation was on the right track and 39% said it was on the wrong track.
- 43% say the economy is on the right track, while 49% say it is not. By comparison, in June, 49% had said it was on the right track, while 42% said it wasn’t.
- 36% believe COVID-19 is the most important issue for the U.S. The number marks a 6-point increase from June when the economy and jobs were the chief concerns.
“Overall the country has come down from its mood highs as the Delta variant is putting a crimp in America’s plan to party now and go back to work after Labor Day,” Mark Penn, co-director of the poll, told The Hill.
The poll was conducted between July 28 and 29, surveying 1,788 registered voters. There was no margin for error.