Huge Bill For Taxpayers Thanks To Biden!


Since taking office, President Joe Biden’s frequent visits to Delaware have cost the federal government of the United States at least $11 million. According to Mark Knoller, a veteran CBS correspondent who follows presidential travel, Biden has visited Delaware 57 times.

Knoller stated that the recent trip was Biden’s 56th visit (177 days) to Delaware, his 11th time in Rehoboth Beach. Compared at the same point in presidency to: Trump trips to Mar-a-Lago/Bedminster: 32 visits/143 days. GWBush trips to Texas ranch: 44/134.


Knoller added, “This 88th weekend of his presidency finds Biden at home in Wilmington, DE. Brings his weekend scorecard to: Delaware: 44 weekends. Camp David: 18. WH: 17. Foreign Trips: 7. Nantucket: 1. Kiawah Island; 1.”

According to the president’s itinerary, the helicopter ride from the White House to destinations in Delaware takes about an hour. The flight to Delaware takes around 30 minutes and costs $177,843 per hour for Air Force One to operate.

Thus, taking into account all modes of transportation, the overall operational expenditures for the visits come to over $4 million.

According to records acquired last year, the president’s first 16 travels to Delaware cost the Secret Service $1.96 million. When the president’s current 57 visits are multiplied by the per-trip cost from these figures, the taxpayers are left with a bill of about $7 million.