George Soros Obliterated on Joe Rogan Podcast

George Soros DESTROYED - BOMBSHELL Interview!


Tech mogul and reformed conservative figure Elon Musk made a notable appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast. During this interview, he openly expressed his opinions about billionaire activist George Soros. While Soros has faced criticism before due to his liberal views, Musk delivered a remarkably forceful critique, avoiding any conspiracy theories, and marking it as one of the strongest criticisms directed at Soros to date.

Elon Musk appeared as a guest on the “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast on October 31. The tech visionary, originally from South Africa, whose enterprises span a wide range from social media to space exploration, has openly shared that he once aligned with left-leaning ideologies. However, he now finds himself leaning more towards the center-right due to what he perceives as a significant shift to the left within the liberal spectrum. His recent actions certainly reflect this change.


Elon Musk spoke to a journalist a few days ago, emphasizing that a significant shift away from woke ideologies has taken place, which he views as a positive development for society. During this conversation, he ignited a spirited debate concerning George Soros and the influence he wields on a global scale. It’s fair to say that Musk does not hold a favorable opinion about the impact Soros has had.

Drawing attention to Soros’s challenging early life, surviving as a Jewish teenager during the Nazi occupation of his birthplace, Hungary, Musk conveyed to Rogan that the financier harbors a deep-seated disdain for humanity. 

Musk further delved into Soros’s political involvement, which encompasses supporting the campaigns of numerous left-leaning politicians, particularly at the grassroots level. Musk posits that Soros places a premium on getting liberals elected in county and municipal elections as the most cost-effective strategy.

Regrettably, this doesn’t equate to a positive outcome for the residents of those counties and cities. Musk stated that in the case of city and state district attorneys, the return on investment is remarkably high. He discussed Soros’s understanding that it’s not necessary to alter the laws themselves; the key lies in modifying their enforcement. 

An illustrative instance of this is San Francisco, which is grappling with a surge in crime attributed to former DA Chesa Boudin, who received support from Soros. Musk likened the situation in the city to a scenario akin to a zombie apocalypse.

In addition to addressing Soros, Musk also discussed the acquisition of X, which he purchased in October last year. Rogan brought up the fact that Twitter, under its former owner, had a reputation for engaging in censorship. Musk responded by stating that Twitter was contributing negatively to society and had been weaponized for spreading information by far-left radicals.

However, it has undergone significant transformation under its new leadership. Musk’s challenge now lies in finding a way to similarly address and rectify the issues in American cities affected by Soros’s involvement.