Double-Vaxxed Obama Tests Positive for Coronavirus


Former President Barack Obama has announced that he has acquired Covid.

Obama also made it a point to propagate misinformation about vaccines, claiming that you need and must receive one in order to prevent the spread of Covid.


Vaccines do not stop the spread of Covid-19, despite media assertions and fact checks to the opposite.

In a rare moment of candor, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky revealed in January that immunizations don’t curb the spread of Omicron.

Our immunizations are incredibly effective. The CDC director stated that they are continuing to work well in respect to delta in severe disease and death prevention. They are no longer able to inhibit transmission.

In multi-national and interstate research, a Harvard-led study published at the National Institute of Health discovered that immunizations have no relation to Covid case rates.

The study also makes an interesting point about U.S. counties with extremely high vaccination rates: the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies four of the top five counties with the highest percentage of population fully vaccinated (99.9–84.3 percent) as High Transmission counties.

Millions of Americans are hoping for a quick recovery for Barack Obama. He’ll do it. Because Omicron is a mild variant, he’s likely completely vaxxed, double-boosted, and knowledgeable about vaccines.