Dem Donor Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison for Murder


After being convicted on two charges of murder and seven counts of drugs distribution, former male model and Democrat fundraiser Ed Buck was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison on Thursday. Buck, 67, preyed on homosexual black men in his West Hollywood area, many of whom were homeless, by paying for sex and injecting them with methamphetamines during the sessions.

Two of those guys died as a result of Buck’s lethal injections; another man, now known as Dane Brown, was repeatedly injected by Buck but survived, and his terrifying narrative of being resurrected twice eventually led to Buck’s arrest in 2019. Brown’s interactions with Buck happened after the two killings for which Buck was later convicted of murder, but then-District Attorney Jackie Lacey had declined to bring charges owing to a lack of evidence.


Brown told detectives before Buck’s arrest in September 2019 that he was homeless when he met Buck on Adam4Adam, a homosexual dating and escort site, and moved in with him for part of summer 2019, where Buck injected him daily for five weeks.

Brown took two overdoses in a week. Brown claimed that after his second overdose, Buck refused to call an ambulance, forcing him to dial 911 from a nearby gas station.

Hundreds of films and images Buck shot of the guys smoking or injecting meth nude or in the white underwear he had them try on for his enjoyment reveal the heinous details of what happened in the flat.

The trial’s videos are so gruesome that the U.S. Prosecutors should be cautious about how forcefully they present information that might traumatize jurors, according to District Judge Christina A. Snyder.

Judge Christina A. Snyder said the sentence decision was challenging because she had to weigh Buck’s humanitarian efforts promoting LGBTQ and animal rights issues with the heinous atrocities he committed, which she described as more than an accident.

Buck’s lawyers requested a 10-year sentence, which is less than the mandatory minimum of 20 years, while prosecutors demanded life in prison. Buck’s chances of escaping prison alive are minimal at 67 years old.