Biden is Once Again Freaking People Out with His Handsy Touching


Joe Biden is again making folks uncomfortable on the campaign trail by caressing minors inappropriately.

Biden approached a girl and touched her face while he was speaking to several young people. While others tried to speak with the president, he kept touching her.


However,  more people appeared to find the president’s clumsy actions entertaining than alarming. Uncertainty about the cause of this amusement suggests that young women may not always know how to respond to such masculine attention, which may or may not be appreciated.

Most social media users thought the behavior was disrespectful and not a move that a president should make.

Annette Prestia posted, “People on the left will look at a man complimenting a woman at work and call it sexual assault, but somehow ignore a grown man who can’t keep his hands off children.”

It remains uncertain if the girl was a minor, either way, that will not make any difference at all.

However, Biden didn’t stop there. He continued the same behavior as he moved down the line.

On Friday at Irvine Valley Community College, Biden drew attention by holding a young girl on both her shoulders while delivering his signature, sexually explicit comments that have won him the moniker “Creepy Joe.”

“President Joe Biden grabs a young girl by the shoulder and tells her ‘no serious guys till your 30’ as she looks back, appearing uncomfortable. Secret service appears to try to stop me from filming it after Biden spoke at Irvine Valley Community College,” Kalen D’Almeida posted on his Twitter page.