Airport Evacuated Due to Suspicious Package


On Sunday, a suspicious item was spotted in an X-ray machine at Boston’s Logan International Airport, prompting a mass evacuation – but it turned out to be nothing more than an old PlayStation.

Agents from the Transportation Security Administration raised the alarm while screening luggage for a Delta flight in the afternoon, according to Massachusetts State Police.


Hundreds of passengers were evacuated from Terminal A after the bomb squad was called in to investigate and sweep the area, according to footage shared on Twitter.

Troopers reacted and discovered that the item was a PlayStation video game console in a poor condition due to age or damage after conducting an investigation and conducting research.

The damage to the PlayStation produced irregularities when it passed through the X-ray machine, according to cops.

According to social media videos, passengers and police jammed the pavement outside the terminal as the bomb squad investigated.

“I had a 6 p.m. meeting.” I had just arrived at the airport for my flight. When I got out of the car, a swarm of people rushed out shouting, so I jumped back in. I couldn’t understand what they were yelling about.

“After that, we drove around the terminals once again.” “By the time we went back, the cops had shut down Terminal A, and I could see people standing outside,” Pam Lovano explained.

During the investigation, some passengers claim they were requested to disembark.

At around 5 p.m., passengers were allowed to re-enter the terminal. when the authorities granted the green light.