Corrupt A.G. Merrick Garland Repeats Huge Lie About J6 During Press Conference (VIDEO)

WH Attorney General Says Huge LIE During Press Conference (VIDEO)


Charles Schumer, Adam Kinzinger, and Mitch McConnell all had spectacular meltdowns on Tuesday due to Tucker Carlson’s decision to make the previously unheard January 6 tapes from the US Capitol public.

The worst collapse was perhaps by Charles Schumer, who not only threw a fit on the Senate floor and demanded that Tucker be muzzled but also referred to McCarthy as a traitor. Also, he repeated other lies that Tucker had refuted.


After exiting the Senate floor, he continued his insane rant, according to Jim Hoft of TGP.

Even though Schumer’s outburst and evasions were terrible, few people paid attention to Merrick Garland’s reaction when he was questioned about January 6.

He first asserts that January 6th was a “fundamental attack on American democracy” and that “over 100 officers were assaulted” that day when asked by a reporter what he thought of Tucker’s J6 coverage during a press conference.

That day, not one Capitol Police officer lost their life. Nonetheless, Michael Byrd of the Capitol Police shot and killed one demonstrator.

Ashli Babbitt was her name. Despite the unfortunate mother’s repeated requests, she has still not obtained justice for what happened to her.

Rosanne Boyland, a second female demonstrator, died after being repeatedly gassed, stomped, and then struck with a stick by Police Officer Lila Morris.

Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips, two more Trump supporters, perished when Capitol Police suddenly began shooting explosive gas canisters towards the Trump throng.

The Deep State and the Uniparty are terrified of what Tucker has planned for them next. There will be more falsehoods and meltdowns.