Slow Joe Gets Blasted for Racist Comment About Airline Seats


“Some airlines, if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front, you pay more money but you don’t know it until you purchase your tickets. These are junk fees, they’re unfair and they hit marginalized Americans the hardest, especially low-income folks and people of color,” said President Joe Biden.

Is he now claiming that aircraft seats are discriminatory? Or is he implying that those with low incomes or people of race are obese or incapable of paying for airline tickets? What does race have to do with the size of the seats and the cost of them? But take note of the way he consistently equates “low-income” individuals with people of race, as if they were one and the same.  Who can forget his racist comments, such as the one that “poor kids are just as smart as white kids,” along with a long list of others?


In response to Biden’s statement, former WWE wrestler and mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, Glenn Jacobs tweeted: “I have always thought that aircraft seating is grossly unjust to oversized persons like myself and needs Federal involvement. We appreciate @POTUS giving this important problem the attention it merits. (This is known as sarcasm, for those without a sense of humor.)

Who has Legroom Equity as a Democratic closing message on their bingo card, Doug Heye, a former communications strategist for the RNC, inquired?”