Dem-led City Forces Kids To Mask Up While Playing Basketball


More than two years after the COVID-19 outbreak began, Los Angeles youth basketball league players are still obliged to wear masks while playing on the court.

An organization called Los Angeles Uprising, which fights against mandates and restrictions, posted a photo of a youth basketball game from Saturday in which players are wearing masks while on the court.


The Mar Vista Recreation Center hosted the youth basketball match.

A face mask is necessary at all times, according to a poster for the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks Summer Basketball League.

Before attending any indoor park facility, participants over the age of 12 must show confirmation of COVID-19 vaccine.

The restriction is ludicrous, according to the creator of Los Angeles Uprising, who wished to remain nameless.

“Obviously, at this point, there’s no excuses anymore. You know, everyone has access to vaccines. Everyone can do it. Everyone’s caught in this. At this point, it’s just completely out of alignment. And no one in this city has ever fought for kids or said, ‘Hey, let’s make sure we get this in alignment for them.’ Let’s make sure that teens and kids this end of summer and fall don’t have to deal with restrictions if they don’t need to. But no one ever speaks up for the kids, certainly out of public health and certainly not in the city. They’ve never done that. They’ve never looked out for the kids. Never,” according to the creator of LA Uprising.

The creator of Reopen California Schools, Jonathan Zachreson, stated that he believes it is risky to allow children to wear masks while engaging in physical activity.