Arizona follows Texas By Busing Migrants to DC


Arizona officials are busing migrants from the southern border to Washington, D.C., following Texas’ lead.

According to C.J., the first bus to arrive in the nation’s capital was on Wednesday. Gov. Doug Ducey’s communications director, Karamargin. Twenty migrants volunteered to travel on the bus. Some even traveled from Uzbekistan. None of them were Mexican.


The cost of the program is unknown, according to Karamargin, and depends on how many other volunteers join the trip. Regardless of the expense, he believes it is worthwhile.

The Arizona scheme was designed with less fanfare than Gov. Greg Abbott’s Texas program. The press media in Arizona and Washington, according to the Daily Star, were not given advance notice of the buses coming from Arizona.

Arizona has likewise avoided President Joe Biden’s insults directed at Texas’ migrant transit system.

Texas has dispatched hundreds of buses to Washington, D.C. since the state’s first group of refugees was dropped off on April 13 President Joe Biden, according to Abbott, has been humiliated by the Texas program.

According to rumors, future buses are already being planned to depart from Yuma, Arizona.

Many asylum seekers enter through Yuma, according to Karamargin.

“They are taxing the resources of non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations,” he explained.

“Because this situation is only going to get worse if Title 42 is lifted, we decided to help alleviate the burden on our NGOs and get these people closer to their goals.”