Woman Goes On Unhinged Tirade and Threatens to BLOW UP Home After Accusing Man of Being a Republican and Trump Supporter

Woman Goes Ballistic - Targets Alleged Trump Supporter! (VIDEO)


Moore, Oklahoma – When the radical left tells you they want you dead, believe them.

According to the Daily Mail, a mystery woman became enraged at the sight of Fourth of July decorations on a man’s property and accused him of being a Republican. The event allegedly occurred on July 8th.


Camera footage from the Ring Doorbell shows the woman strolling up to Pascal Quintero’s house and ringing his doorbell. When he answers the door, she asks if he is a Republican and begins complaining about his magnificent independence-themed decorations, which include an American flag and patriotic banners.

She then blames him for her inability to have an abortion and can be heard pleading with him to shoot her.


Quintero told KFOR-TV about his encounter with the psychotic liberal.

She started to ask me if I am Republican because of the American decorations. I told her that it’s none of her business who I voted for. She continued questioning me about the decorations and then asked if I was a Trump fan.

Quintero continued to provide alarming details in his interview. He claimed that after he urged the woman to leave his house, she began verbally attacking his family.

I live with my mother who is elderly and my son who has special needs. My family comes first and she’s lucky I only used words in that moment.

The homeowner then revealed the most alarming remark of all: the woman threatened to come back and blow his house up.

She was daring me to shoot her and at one point I asked why I would shoot her. She then says I’m coming back to blow your house up. I am like, are you threatening me? You’re going to blow my house up? She said yes, I’m coming back so you’d better be ready.

On August 1st, the Moore Police Department’s (MPD) criminal investigations branch reported about the event on their Facebook page. They are appealing to the public to assist the woman, who is said to drive a black Toyota 4-Runner.