Toddler Squeezes Through White House Fence

Toddler Wanders into White House Grounds - Secret Service Deploy!


On Tuesday, a curious youngster managed to wriggle past the metal railing on the north side of the executive mansion, earning him the title of one of the tiniest White House invaders.

Officers from the US Secret Service Uniformed Division, who are in charge of maintaining security at the White House, crossed the North Lawn to fetch the young child and bring him to his parents on Pennsylvania Avenue. Officers completed the reunification while restricting access to the complex for a short time. The parents were briefly questioned by the police before being allowed to continue their journey.


According to Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesperson for the Secret Service, officers “encountered a curious young visitor along the White House north fence line who briefly entered White House grounds.”

In a statement, he said that “the White House security systems instantly triggered Secret Service officers, and the toddler and parents were quickly reunited.”

It might be the first successful attempt to enter the complex since the White House fence’s height was recently increased to about 13 feet (3.96 meters) following a number of security breaches. Although taller, the new fence has a total of 5 ½  inches (12.7 cm) between posts and an additional inch between pickets.

The famous wall, which has also been the site of protests with demonstrators chaining themselves to the fence, has occasionally trapped older kids.