McCarthy Pushes To Have Pelosi Remove Omar from Committee


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should eliminate Rep. Ilhan Omar in the Foreign Affairs Committee, and if she does not, Republicans will take action if they take control of the home from the 2022 midterm election, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said Tuesday.

“This is an individual that has not once, but on numerous occasions, been anti-Semitic,” McCarthy said on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends” about Omar, D-Minn. “Her own whole Congress had to rebuke her in (the) last one, but she is not just anti-Semitic, she is anti-American today and equating America to the Taliban, to Hamas.”


Omar came under fire after she tweeted last week:”We’ve observed unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.”

She has since offered a clarification, saying in a statement that her comments were misunderstood and that she had never made”a moral comparison between Hamas and the Taliban and the U.S. and Israel” and that she was”in no way equating terrorist organizations with democratic states with well-established judicial systems,” reports The New York Times.

“I will promise you this: If we’re lucky enough to have most, Omar wouldn’t be serving on Foreign Affairs, or anyone that has an anti-Semitic, anti-American view,” McCarthy further commented Tuesday. “That isn’t productive, and that isn’t perfect.”

McCarthy did not directly threaten to force a vote to censure Omar or to kick her off the committee, but Republican leaders discussed the situation while meeting Monday and the matter is expected to be brought up again at a conference meeting today.

Pelosi on Sunday, while addressing the situation, insisted that House Democrats have not rebuked the Minnesota Democrat. She also called Omar a”valued member of our caucus” and said,”she explained, we thanked her, end of subject.”

McCarthy also on Tuesday said he’s concerned about President Joe Biden’s upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“America’s worse off due to Biden’s weakness,” said McCarthy. “We are really a nation in crisis. The families are worried about crime, about costs, about validity. If you are sitting here drinking coffee now you are paying more. If you are eating the cereal, the milk costs more. If you get in your car and drive to operate your gasoline costs more.”

Crime is also rising, said McCarthy, and the border is not controlled.

“Fentanyl has increased by 300 percent and today we’ve got a president that stopped America from being energy-independent (with the) Keystone XL pipeline but rewarded Putin with Nord Stream two to provide Russia greater control over Europe,’ said McCarthy. “We are in a crisis based on Biden’s weakness. Had he done nothing when he went into office, America would be stronger now.”