NYC Woman Fired from City Job After Confronting Mayor


The New York City mom who interrupted Mayor Eric Adams’ press conference on Monday to criticize his childish mask mandate was fired from her position at the city Law Department shortly after.

Daniela Jampel, an assistant corporation counsel, found out she was fired less than an hour after confronting a surprised and irritated Adams about when he would expose our babies.


When Jampel continued to ask why, City Hall staffers tried to cut her off when they realized she wasn’t a reporter, but Adams, who seemed irritated that the mother had gotten a question in, let her continue, despite telling her she needed to come to a decision.

Jampel, a strong local critic of the toddler mask mandate and pandemic school cancellations, was sacked via email shortly after the news conference, according to sources familiar with the situation.

Jampel was fired Monday, according to a spokesman for the Justice Department, however the decision to fire her was made before today, according to the representative.

“We hold all of our employees to the highest professional standards. In public statements, Ms. Jampel has made troubling claims about her work for the city Law Department. Based on those statements, the decision had been made to terminate her prior to today.

“Today’s events, however, which include her decision to lie to City Hall staff and state she was a journalist at a press conference, demonstrate a disturbing lack of judgment and integrity. As of today, she is no longer an employee of the Law Department,” said the statement.

The mother of three had been on maternity leave for eight months while actively speaking out against COVID-19 restrictions in New York City schools. She is also the co-founder of an advocacy group called Keep NYC Schools Open.

Jampel appeared to be in excellent standing with her bosses as recently as mid-February, when one of them granted her request for prolonged maternity leave, according to a source familiar with the situation.

According to the source, the higher-up approved her request and stated that her colleagues were looking forward to working with her again when she returned.