Vice Media to Stop Publishing Online, Will Lay Off Hundreds



Vice Media, facing evident financial challenges over recent years, intends to dismiss hundreds of additional staff as part of its ongoing restructuring endeavors. The company has been grappling to remain competitive amidst the rising dominance of social media platforms, which are progressively supplanting traditional news sources for numerous audiences.

Bruce Dixon, the Chief of Vice Media, circulated a memo among its employees to announce the decision. In the memo, he articulated the company’s intention to adopt a “studio model” strategy going forward. As part of this initiative, one of the necessary changes involves discontinuing operations on


As described by Data Magazine, the “studio model” originated in the film industry, where executives transformed creative teams into interdisciplinary groups, pooling resources to foster innovation. Over time, the definition has evolved to encompass adjustments in strategies aimed at navigating the dynamic landscape of technology and adapting to evolving trends.

Shifting trends have favored social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok over conventional news outlets. This shift is attributed to consumers’ preference for platforms that emphasize user engagement and offer a continuous stream of entertaining content, keeping individuals endlessly scrolling. Even established mainstays like The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and Vox Media have reportedly experienced setbacks, leading to necessary cutbacks.

Approximately five years ago, Vice Media initiated downsizing efforts, marked by annual layoffs and even a bankruptcy filing at one juncture. Presently, the company is a mere shadow of its former self as a global force, contrasting sharply with its stature over two decades ago when it first commenced operations. During its zenith, it commanded a valuation of roughly $5.7 million.

Allegedly, leaders at Vice are currently engaged in negotiations for the sale of the company. They have assured stakeholders that further details on various aspects of this development will be forthcoming in the following weeks.