Former Trump Admin Member Shot in Brutal Crime Spree

Ex-Trump Official SHOT - Gunned Down!


The nation’s capital and its environs suffer from an epidemic of carjackings. Year after year, hundreds of them. There were 49 in the nation’s capital this year as of February 2nd. An official from the Trump administration was implicated in one of those offenses.

A man named Michael Gill was waiting to pick up his wife from work outside of a building on Monday, January 29, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. Allegedly, Artell Cunningham, 28, approached the 56-year-old as he sat there and shot him in the head. An ex-chief of staff of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission who served under Trump was the victim. The Housing Policy Council currently employs him as a senior vice president.


An individual discovered Gill lying on the ground, with one foot still in the car, after a woman allegedly heard her. There was blood all over him, and his right hand twitched. Out of the building sprinted a woman who yelled out that it was her husband. According to the police, the victim stepped out of the vehicle and passed out after the perpetrator shot Gill. He was sent to the hospital, where his condition was described as critical.

A carjacking attempt occurred a few blocks distant approximately one hour following the incident. Then, at 7:15 p.m., ten minutes after that, Cunningham allegedly killed 35-year-old Alberto Vasquez Jr. after carjacking him. Two little daughters were born to Vasquez. In an interview with the media, his father expressed the depth of his family’s tragedy.

After that, at around 10 o’clock that night, the suspect crossed into Maryland and carjacked someone else. In the state, another armed carjacking occurred around 11:10 p.m.

A DC police officer was shot at on I-295 at 2:30 in the morning on Tuesday by the suspect. A trooper from the Maryland State Police force was assisting a motorist in a disabled car on I-95 when the suspect opened fire thirty minutes later. Officers from New Carrollton shot and killed Cunningham around 4:30 in the morning, putting an end to the crime spree.