Biden Signs Spending Package to Keep the Government Running

He SIGNED It - No Going Back!


Congress and the White House have engaged in prolonged contention over budget allocations. Consequently, there has been a persistent threat of government shutdown looming. Recently, legislators cast their votes on a spending measure aimed at averting a shutdown, which has since been endorsed by President Joe Biden.

Biden signed a $1.2 trillion spending package into effect on March 23, swiftly following the Senate’s approval in a late-night vote. Despite the looming midnight deadline, lawmakers successfully advanced the appropriations bills, ensuring no disruption to government operations. The package allocates funding for six appropriations bills covering financial services, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and various other areas.


The president’s endorsement marked the conclusion of a protracted struggle within Congress to approve a budget for the fiscal year 2024. This conflict culminated in the removal of former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from his position in October. McCarthy faced expulsion from his party’s leadership following his negotiations with Democrats regarding a short-term funding measure to sustain government operations. Consequently, he became the inaugural speaker in history to be ousted from office.

In a message addressed to the American populace, Biden highlighted that the bipartisan budget agreement not only ensures the continuity of government operations but also directs investments towards the welfare of the American populace while bolstering both the economy and national security. He emphasized that neither political party achieved all of its desired objectives in the negotiation process.

The bill received approval from the Senate with a 74-24 vote. Prior to this, the House had passed the bill on March 22. However, tensions arose within the Republican party as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expressed dissatisfaction towards Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for engaging in negotiations with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). 

During the House voting session, Greene introduced a motion to remove the speaker from his position. She later informed reporters that her motion served as a caution to the speaker and a proclamation of the necessity for new leadership within the Republican caucus.