Biden Caught Napping During Talks with Foreign Head of Government


Joe Biden is asleep. Literally. If there was any doubt, he laid it to rest on Saturday, as he quite obviously tried to sneak in a nap while meeting with Israel’s new prime minister Naftali Bennett.

Video captured the moment Biden couldn’t resist nodding off during high stakes meetings.


Watch the video here:

While continuing to speak, the Israeli Prime Minister Naftali stared directly at President Obama as if in disbelief. This is not a good look for a Commander in Chief who seems more at home in a nursing facility than in a battle room.

Allies of America are beginning to openly discuss a weak U.S. President that is failing its international partners and severing its commitments.

The Sunday Times reported last week that the British have held President Biden in contempt over his indefensible actions in Afghanistan.

“In London ministers and their advisers watched with incredulity,” the Sunday Times reported. “One minister said the president ‘looked gaga’. An aide described the press conference as ‘completely mad’ and the president as ‘doolally’. Such thoughts are normally never whispered in Whitehall, let alone briefed.”

Last week, the Daily Mail reported that Great Britain had to deploy 300 special forces troops and other personnel to Afghanistan in order to rescue 6,000 British nationals and Afghan allies that were left in harm’s way after Biden’s disastrous decision.

During this time, President Biden has turned his face away from his country and has left multiple press conferences, without answering any questions from the U.S. media. He also agreed to an August 31 deadline, which will undoubtedly leave thousands of Americans in desperate circumstances.

There is no time that a U.S. president doesn’t have to be awake at the wheel. Unfortunately, for all of us, he’s now leading the ship of state into uncharted waters